In our Early Years Foundation Stage, we aim to provide an opportunity-rich environment where our FS1 and FS2 children are stimulated, engaged, happy, motivated and are having fun through multi-sensory rich play. They are able to interact with the provision at their level and are challenged to make rapid progress from their starting points, whilst building confidence in all areas. We have high expectations of all learners and ensure that we include every learner despite difference or ability. This is done by a highly qualified and experienced team of British teachers and local support staff who are life-long learners themselves. This is how we strive for excellence.
There is room for all children to explore, discover and take risks or give-it-a-go. The learning environment is welcoming, colourful and safe and arranged in such a way as to excite their imagination and curiosity. Continuous provision promotes learning in all areas of the FS curriculum, and this underpins all the planning, assessing and opportunities we provide.
Click on the link for more information about the EYFS British curriculum offered at EGIS in Foundation Stage 1 and 2.