

In Year 1 and Year 2, we follow the National Curriculum of England which covers English, Maths, Science, Geography and PSHE (Physical, Social, Health and Economic Education). The subjects of Music, Art, ICT and PE are taught by specialist teachers. Arabic and Religion are also offered by Egyptian teachers to students who are from the 22 Arab states, while foreign students take basic Arabic language.

We believe that a hands-on, enquiry-based education gives children vital skills and allows them to have some ownership over their learning. This is done through practical work, field trips, exploring for themselves, as well as, researching. The teacher acts as a facilitator and children work individually, in small groups, or in pairs to find different ways to tackle problems.

We strive to be exemplary in our classroom practice by promoting an “I can” philosophy, linked to a Growth Mindset (or referred to as Grit). Children in our care are expected to start learning to have an independent approach to learning and it is our duty to develop enquiring minds through outstanding questioning, provision and planning. This is done so that children are able to make connections, take risks, persevere, show tolerance, be resourceful, collaborate, grow in confidence and make rapid progress. We also aim to provide a ‘values based’ education which allows children to find the compass that can steer them through all areas of their lives, both in and out of school. We work to create a happy, stimulating and vibrant learning environment in which all learners’ best efforts are valued and where they can develop in a holistic way, linked to our motto of “Success for everyone, Opportunity for all.”

Evidence is collected on an ongoing basis through daily observations, “Assessment for Learning” and work done in copy books. The teacher moves learning on when children are ready. Assessments are done half termly and termly by the teacher in class which are not formal tests. No textbooks are used to ensure that there is differentiation for each child. We have high expectations of all children making certain that we set them up to become life-long learners. Teachers are highly motivated, with many years of experience, they continue to learn and hone their skills by attending professional development courses regularly to deepen knowledge and stay up to date with current trends in pedagogy.

NOTICE: some of the photos featured were taken before the pandemic.