Key Stage 4 at EGIS
Our Senior School offers a broad, balanced, relevant, differentiated and inclusive curriculum to all students. At Key Stages 4 and 5, students are guided formally towards a personalised curriculum that meets their individual needs and aspirations.
In Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), there is a range of International GCSE courses (15+ courses) offered at EGIS despite the small number of students in each cohort, providing them with the opportunity to acquire a broad and balanced range of international qualifications. The qualifications are based on individual subjects of study, which means that one receives an “IGCSE” qualification for each subject one takes. The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an English based examination similar/equivalent to GCSE in the UK and is recognized internationally.
We offer two examination Boards: Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and Pearson Edexcel depending on the courses chosen, and EGIS is an examination centre attached to the British Council. All exams for May/June sittings are done in the school.
In the UK, students normally begin studying the syllabus at the beginning of Year 10 and take the GCSE exam at the end of Year 11. Majority of our students go on to higher education in Egypt and thus, most of our students leave school in Year 12 as high school graduates (rather than Year 13), especially those taking National Arabic subjects equivalent to the Egyptian “Thanawiya Amma high school certificate” which is required for all Egyptian students.
From Year 10, our students start to sit IGCSE examinations and study the full syllabus of the core subjects in Year 10, giving them the chance to finish some (3-5) of the 8 IGCSE subjects required for high school graduation in Egypt.
- Core subjects are subjects all students are required to do. These include: Mathematics and English language (1st or 2nd); and ICT is also mandatory.
- Students registered as Egyptians must also follow the Egyptian National Subjects; Non-Egyptian students study Arabic as a Foreign Language.
- Students are also required to take at least one Science (Biology/Chemistry/Physics) and a Modern Foreign Language (French/German).
We accept students from the language school section into Year 10 provided they pass the admission tests. Starting Year 11 onwards, only students from British curriculum schools are accepted.
Students who receive the IGCSE qualification for core subjects such as as English, Maths or any one of the Sciences, may opt to take 1-2 AS subject/s while in Year 11 along with whatever remains of the 8 required IGCSEs.
The curriculum content for each course is outlined in the relevant curriculum documents that are published on the specific Examination Boards
Cambridge Assessment International Education – CAIE (Information Technology, German, History, Travel and Tourism, Arabic IGCSE) or
Pearson Edexcel (Art, English 1st/2nd, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Arabic Foreign, English Literature, French, Geography, Business).
A few students may also opt to take the German Language Diploma (DSD).
The curriculum, both discrete and hidden, is intended to encourage the development of the attributes of a 21st century learner, being mindful that these are the attributes of the IB Learner Profile which we believe are aligned with our school values, where our students should be:
– Communicators | – Reflective |
– Open-minded | – Knowledgeable |
– Principled | – Risk Takers |
– Balanced | – Inquirers |
– Caring/Nurturing | – Critical Thinkers |
All students are entitled to examination entry in their chosen subjects provided that they meet the basic requirements of the course: which means a minimum of 85% attendance in the course, or completed coursework and controlled assessment (Mock exam) with a minimum grade of 6 or high B in IGCSE, targets are shared with students and their parents regularly.
Assessments of students’ learning – both formative and summative – are also made more informally and frequently.
In addition to the school tuition fees, Cambridge (CAIE) and Edexcel charge Examination fees which are paid by the school to the British Council.
Although these fees are likely to change by the time you enter for your exams, as a guide, the May/June 2020 exam session fees are ranging from:
CIE subjects LE 2,760 – 3,945
Edexcel subjects: LE 1,400 – 3,100
There will also be an additional administration charge to cover the cost of transporting and hosting in hotels the required invigilators during the exam sessions held at school premises.
All course exams for both Exam Boards are offered in May/June sitting. The deadline for exam registration is usually at the end of January for Cambridge (Mock Exams for Cambridge are scheduled in December) and in March for Edexcel (Mock Exams for Edexcel are usually held in February.)
A few exams may be offered in November by Cambridge CAIE (Mock exams must be done in the summer vacation since the exam registration is in August) or in January by Edexcel (Mock Exams must take place in September in time for the exam registration deadline in Oct). These exam sittings scheduled in the middle of the academic year usually take place in Cairo unless there is a significant number of students who want to register making it more cost efficient to do it in school.
The school’s KS4 teaching programme also includes the required elements of the Ministry of Education’s national programme for Arabic, Religious Studies and Civics. This is a requirement for all Egyptian students and students from any of the 22 Arab states who are not exempted from taking the National Arabic subjects.
Being Successful at IGCSE– What’s the secret?
- Keep up to date with classwork, homework and controlled assessments (especially Mock Exams).
- Every lesson is valuable: attend every day and be on time to every lesson.
- Act upon the advice from teachers.
- Spend time and effort on work – avoid rushing it. Keep track of your deadlines. Don’t leave work until the last minute.
- Always be prepared with the correct equipment, books and homework.
- Attend revision and support sessions at break, after school and in holidays.
- Build excellent working relationships with your teachers and learn from them.
- Set yourself the highest of expectations.
Study Routine
- Complete at least 2 hours of homework or revision per night starting from the beginning of the school year to develop good study habits. Do not wait till 2-3 months before the exams!
- Have a dedicated space for you to complete your work.
- Complete the tasks sooner rather than later to avoid the stress of completing it at the last minute.
- Use the internet for additional study support (google search) and to locate past papers.
How can parents make a difference?
- Discuss with your child the topics and subjects he/she is studying. You don’t have to be an expert but it can help them consolidate their learning.
- Give plenty of support, praise and encouragement.
- Listen to any problems or difficulties they may face.
- Provide incentives!
- Encourage your child to prepare thoroughly for controlled assessments and meet deadlines.
- Ensure good attendance and punctuality.
- Help your child organise his/her time (time management)
- Pay the fees, as well as the exam fees on time.