For a child to thrive, develop, learn to their optimum potential and successfully grow up as an adult, feeling safe is paramount. All children have the right to feel safe all of the time.
At El Gouna International School, we believe in supporting all aspects of each child’s development and learning, and in keeping children safe. We understand that emotional and social development create a foundation for academic learning: if a child has not been supported to understand, express and resolve their feelings, they may not have the ability to concentrate on learning, share with other children or resolve conflicts on a day to day basis. Instead frustration may result, manifesting in anti-social behaviour or becoming overly compliant or withdrawn.
EGIS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people from Foundation Stage to Year 13. We expect all staff (teachers, administrators & support staff, coordinators, heads and Board of Governors) to share this commitment in their attitudes and actions. Such a commitment has no physical limits. Parents are made aware of the policy: referred to in school circulars, published on this page of the school website and used in EGIS Parent Workshops. The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and amended in the light of any new development.
If you have any safeguarding concerns to report, kindly send email to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or the relevant Deputy DSLs below.
For other relevant school Policies or Procedures, please download from the links provided.
Rachel Abundo

Ms. Lynn Thom
Ms. Lynn Thom